Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Some years ago, when my son Tom was in Pre-School, one of the young boys there would display his annoyance with circumstances by "pushing".  He would push people and objects without apparent provocation.  This behaviour became a bit of an issue for many of the other children and the staff were working very hard and using inclusive strategies to assist with the situation.

On one particular occasion, it was afternoon nap time and the children were laying on their matresses when this young boy pushed my son to the floor where he sustained a broken elbow.

After the visit to hospital and a couple of days off, Tom returned to Pre-School and was told by the teachers that they had arranged some special activities for the young boy and that Tom should leave him be for a few days.

Two nights later when I was tucking Tom into bed and we were talking about his day he mentioned that he was playing with the young boy in question and when I asked him if his teachers said it was OK to do that his reply was , "No Dad, but he's got no friends."

I wrapped my arms around Tom and cried my eyes out, ever so grateful that Tom has been blessed with the gift of compassion, even for the boy who broke his elbow.

Have you hugged your kids today?